pranks Andrew:Online :: Pranks :: Viv / <? echo $title; ?> Holiday: 27/08/041
Last updated - Holiday: 27/08/041





By Nick Slinger, and Simon Butterworth, as, Claire.
Enjoy Plus!

Claire says:

phoenix says:

Claire says:
wghat u up to?

phoenix says:
just watchin brookie cos there nought else to do

Claire says:
you could do me.. lol

phoenix says:
lol well steady on claire

phoenix says:
yerh well place is empty for a few more hours

Claire says:
well if you want me i'll be there in a bit, i'm finishing off my drinks

phoenix says:
lol (wot drinks)

Claire says:
duty free, got some booze

phoenix says:

phoenix says:
wot else u get from duty free?

Claire says:
so do u want me to cum round then?

phoenix says:
wot u gonna find ya way in your piss headed state

Claire says:
yeah i'm not that bad but i havnt had any for ages...

phoenix says:
wot u on about u've never been able to handle more than a few bottles at any time

phoenix says:
so wot drinks did you actually get - creates of wot?

Claire says:
no i havnt had any.... ;)

phoenix says:
hmmm yerh righty

Claire says:
yeah are u intersted#

phoenix says:
u aint serious right

Claire says:
yeh im serious

phoenix says:
u dont no where i even live tho

Claire says:
you'll have to meet me somewhere

phoenix says:
like where

Claire says:
i can meet u in the square at 6ish'

Claire says:

phoenix says:
hmm 6-ish sounds good

phoenix says:
so wot shall we do then, aint much to do in the sq

Claire says:
well we can go back to urs

phoenix says:

Claire says:
i really needd sex and if your intersteed

phoenix says:
wot!, claire this really dont sound like u?!

Claire says:
fine then

phoenix says:
wow that wasnt a knock back

phoenix says:
u got any protection then?

Claire says:

phoenix says:
well thhen u serious then

Claire says:
yeah i'm serious

phoenix says:
is there no where nearer like queensway?

Claire says:
if u want theses a bus top near jasons house

phoenix says:
yerh which is nesar mine

Claire says:

phoenix says:
wot time we sayin then?

Claire says:
i can be there at 6

phoenix says:
k meet u there then (p.s y me?)

Claire says:
i wanted someone with edperience

phoenix says:
fair enough

phoenix says:
cya laters then

Claire says:
ok cya i'll go get ready

phoenix says:

Claire says:
do u want me 2 do anything special?

Claire says:
i'm in the mood

phoenix says:
ermm jsust be there on time

phoenix says:
ohhh the mood

Claire says:
ok cya

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