Jango Fett = Paul
Bekki = Dil
Danny = Danny
where u go?
danny says:
not yet im afraid. were gonna hav 2 go and find some when we hav decided
danny says:
is bekki still with us?
Jango Fett says:
yeah, she came back
Bekki says:
Do you think I should go as a bikini babe?
Bekki says:
Jango Fett says:
could be interesting!!
danny says:
at some point do u want 2 go 2 that fancy dress shop and c what they hav. i think they rent them out
Jango Fett says:
erm, i think i have my costume sorted
Bekki says:
the 1 in blackpool. is that the 1 u told me about paul
Jango Fett says:
yeah, it's supposed to be good
Bekki says:
wat kind of costumes do they have?
Bekki says:
i mean for u men or us women
Jango Fett says:
Jango Fett says:
well us women can choose from a variety of skimpy clothes!!
Bekki says:
Bekki says:
Bekki says:
id like 2 c u in a bra and panties
Bekki says:
(oh no....i already have)
Jango Fett says:
i thought u had forgotten!!
Bekki says:
i hav pics
Jango Fett says:
oh er
Bekki says:
anyway.....whats this i heard about me movin house????
Jango Fett says:
yeah u moved 4 years ago but dill thought u moved recently
Jango Fett says:
ok, sorry girls (including danny) but i'm gonna go for a while my mum really does want to use the phone now!! be back soon
danny says:
Bekki says:
danny, wens ur first exam??
danny says:
mine is on mon 27th it is business studies. the next day i hav 5 in one day!!!! when is urs?
danny says:
Just been talking 2 jackie. she asked 4 ur email address and i gave it to her if that is ok?
Bekki says:
danny says:
ok then. Did u get my msg the other day? i think paul has been up 2 something!!!!
Bekki says:
yeah. paul was being a bit wierd. i dont no wat he was up2 tho
danny says:
he sent me a msg saying that i had 2 get hold of u about the school council, i spoke to him the other day and he said 2 me that i should of rung u and at the mo he won't tell me why.
Bekki says:
i dont no y he sent that. i havnt said anything about the council meeting 2 him
danny says:
ill see him 2moro so ill find out then. what hav u done 2day?
Bekki says:
i mostly revised rs and comm studs. and went in 4 that revision lesson. a bit boring really. i bet ur day was more exciting than mine.
danny says:
i slept in till 11. did some politics rev this afternoon and went 2 work 2nite, been on net since 9.00
Bekki says:
where do you work?
danny says:
i work at the melrose sandpiper hotel. it is near the cinema in st annes, do u hav a job?
Bekki says:
no. im 2 lazy and rich 2 get a job
danny says:
fine!!!! im poor so i hav 2 work, i hav no choice like u
Bekki says:
im not that rich. im just not as mature as u cos i cudnt keep a job
danny says:
pauls just the same. apparantly he gets his money from inheritances!!!
Bekki says:
pauls too immatur tho. he cud never keep a job
danny says:
probably right
Bekki says:
how long hav u been working there?
danny says:
i started last march. ican't believe im still there. i got a pay rise recently tho!
Bekki says:
a pay rise.. ul be rich enough 2 take me out .how much do u get paid?
danny says:
i get £3.75 an hour. i used 2 be on £3.00 ill c about getting another job at the end of the season. i don't know about taking u out
Bekki says:
y wudnt u take me out? im offended
danny says:
i don't know, to be honest i haven't known u as long as paul has really. it depends. why don't u go out with him?
Bekki says:
i like him, but he can b such an immature git sometimes. were better as friends
danny says:
fair enough!!!! do u listen to moyles on radio 1?
Bekki says:
no. wat happened?
danny says:
i listened 2 some 2day it was quite good
Bekki says:
wat r u up 2 this weekend?
danny says:
im goin 2 the cinema 2moro nite with paul and some friends, i don't know what we r cying yet!!!! working on sat morn and i said i would play football on sat nite. i will do some revisin on sat and sun as well. what r u doing?
Bekki saya:
danny says:
what does brb mean?
For some reason, Paul is now taking on the role of Bekki...
Bekki says:
it means be right back
danny says:
does it mean be right back?
Bekki says:
yeah that's the one
danny says:
got it in the end i don't even know what half of these abb mean.
Bekki says:
ah, Paul just text me, he says he isn't gonna come back on tonight and to tell u that aswell
Bekki says:
yeah, i'm fairly new to this too
danny says:
fair enough, im gonna go soon as i hav been on for the last 2hours, im never on the net 4 this long!
Bekki says:
aw, i suppose i can let u go, but i'm kinda bored and i don't wanna talk to jackie!!
danny says:
im not goin yet, don't worry, why dont u wanna talk to jackie?
Bekki says:
oh, it's a girly argument we are having, nothing to worry bout.
danny says:
she is talking to viv and andy at mo so she won't miss us
Bekki says:
danny says:
what r u up 2 this weekend?
Bekki says:
not too sure really, probably just revision. maybe see if i can do something in the evenings.
danny says:
fair enough, do u hav my fone number if u need it. i think i hav urs
Bekki says:
yeah i got it from that txt u sent me the other day
Bekki says:
u sure u have mine?
danny says:
i hav ur mobile number
Bekki says:
danny says:
do u know how marky and jane r gettin on these days?
Bekki says:
they seem to be doing well, kinda cute isn't it
Bekki says:
but it makes u feel a bit lonely, everyone seems to be going out with someone!
Bekki says:
marky and jane, jackie and viv, sarah and liam
danny says:
supposed it does. im sure ull find someone, not everyone is goin out with someone e.g. their is me, you, sam, paul,
Bekki says:
well i think sam and Paul would make a lovely couple!
danny says:
im sure they would!!!
danny says:
but sam is too good 4 paul tho
Bekki says:
yeah u prob right
danny says:
just give it time ull prob find someone
Bekki says:
yeah i hope so
Bekki says:
who are u interested in at the moment?
danny says:
no one at the moment im afraid to say. A girlfriend is not a priority 4 me at mo with exams and all that. do u like anyone?
Bekki says:
maybe, i'm not too sure yet. i often take ages to make my mind up on subjects like this!
danny says:
same 4 me too
Bekki says:
it's wired coz i never felt like this, but at the moment all i want is a physical relationship! don't tell anyone bout this though
Bekki says:
i don't know why i just told u that!!
danny says:
don't worry i wont tell anyone. i never knew u were like that!!!
Bekki says:
nore did i, i only recently felt like this
danny says:
well if that is what u want good luck!
Bekki says:
it's probably just a phase
danny says:
ure prob right im not an expert on this. i dread what ur next boyfriend or girfriend will think!!! i hope im not offending u!!!!
Bekki says:
nah not at all
Bekki says:
Bekki says:
sorry about that
danny says:
Bekki says:
i had to reconnect, i'm on a timer thing
Bekki says:
so what would you think if i was ur boyfriend? (if u don't mind)
danny says:
no i don't mind! i wouldn't actually mind!! i would hav 2 fulfil ur wishes i suppose!!
Bekki says:
oh really
danny says:
yeah. hope i haven't offended u
Bekki says:
nah, i'm not easily offended
danny says:
just talking 2 jackie. hope u don't mind me asking but in ur next relationship u would be looking 4 something like that
Bekki says:
like what u just said
danny says:
Bekki says:
i think so
danny says:
just take it one step at a time, just wait and see what happens1
Bekki says:
yeah, i will, good advice
danny says:
danny says:
r u talking 2 anyone else?
Bekki says:
not really
danny says:
as i hav said jackies back, she has been talking to viv
Bekki says:
yeah i noticed
Bekki says:
anyway, i'm gonna have to now now. I enjoyed our chat! it often helps to talk with people u don't know too well
danny says:
i agree to that. do u hav 2 go?
Bekki says:
yeah, fraid so. y?
danny says:
just wondered, we will hav 2 talk again soon
Bekki says:
yeah, ok
danny says:
good luck in ur exams, speak to u soon
Bekki says:
yeah good luck for u too, gees it's hot in my room, the central heating has been on!!
danny says:
im sat on the floor in the hall at mo. the dining room is being decorated so the computer lives in hall for the time being!!
Bekki says:
ah, interesting.
Bekki says:
well i'm off to bed now, try and cool down a bit
danny says:
ok then cya later
Bekki says:
bye bye
Bekki says:
Page 2
(This would be all on one page, but notepad couldn't handle the sheer amount of text in one window...)